Using the papaya original slurry and sugar, the technology and key procedure of muddy juice of papaya were studied in this paper. 以番木瓜原浆为主要原料,白砂糖等为辅料,研究了番木瓜混浊果汁生产工艺及其关键工序。
Some scholars such as Professor Nathanson, have argued persuasively that the Court misconstrued the original intent of the Administrative Procedure Act. 一些学者,如纳撒教授很有说服力地争论到,法院曲解了《行政诉讼法》的本来意图。
If a message needs further processing, it is sent to the original window procedure of the window class. 如果消息需要进一步处理,则将其发送到窗口类的原始窗口过程。
Perfect interface and strong function can be replaced original short message procedure and all of encrypting management software of short message in the market. 完善的接口,功能强大,可取代原有的短信息加密程序和市场管理中的短消息的所有软件。
Remove tracing paper to find exact copy of original draft. Repeat this procedure until every pattern piece has been individually traced-off. 移开复描纸,就可以看到与原图一模一样的复版。重复这道程序,直到每一张衣片纸样独立描下。
To coordinate the relationship of benefit and justice, we should start with the original establishment intention and nature of criminal summary procedure, to seek the best equilibrium point of the two& benefit precedence and attention to justice. 协调效益与公正的关系,应从刑事简易程序的设置初衷和本质入手,寻找两者的最佳平衡点&效益优先,兼顾公正。
The main results, obtained in this dissertation, may be summarized as follows: 1. Chapter 1 states the original pattern search methods, the procedure of its development, and introduces the background of selecting this title and the main work in the paper. 第1章阐述了模式搜索算法的起源、演化过程及研究概况,介绍了选题背景和本文的主要工作。
Compared with original procedure,( after)( the)( example) confirmation, the improving dual descent procedure can approach the optimal solution. 经过实例验证,改进对偶下降算法和原算法相比,求解结果要好于原算法,更能接近最优解。
Meanwhile, it is proposed that suggestions on evaluation of status of the original structure, performance of building design approval procedure, and design entrustment etc. 同时对原建筑物结构现状评估、履行建筑设计审批程序、设计任务委托等问题提出建议。
If the actor fulfils his duty of explanation right after the court decision becomes effective, the court should change the original judgment in accordance with the retrial procedure. 判决生效后,如果行为人履行了说明义务,应当依审判监督程序改判;
Matlab Original Procedure for Animal Population Spatial Distribution Analysis 动物种群空间分布Matlab源程序
The paper introduces the basic method and process of transferring data in other database by Excel. It means that using VBA programming of Excel could carry out the disposal of original data, expand the function of the existing procedure, and avoid the waste of repeated development. 介绍了利用Excel调用其他数据库中的数据的基本方法、步骤,即可以利用Excel下的VBA编程来实现对原有数据的处理,来扩展现有程序的功能,避免了重复开发造成的浪费。
The algorithm proposed in this paper is digital-audio-signal-independent, that is, the original audio signal is not required in the procedure of extracting watermark. 本文提出的水印嵌入算法是数字音频信号独立型的,在抽取水印时不需要原始的信号。
The original image is not required in the procedure of extracting the watermark. 水印的提取过程不必借助于原始图像。
This paper aims to hold a discussion based on the understanding of original poem, deeply carrying on certain analysis of the original emotion procedure and artistic characteristics of poem. 本文通过对原诗的解读,对原诗的情感流程与艺术特色进行了一定深度的分析揭示。
There is no need of the original host image during the detecting procedure. 水印提取时不需要原始载体图像。
Of the 266 cases, 131 were treated by improved techniques based on original standard procedure after July 1999.The continence and complications before and after the improvement of the surgical procedures were followed up. 131例患者在原标准术式基础上作了手术技术改进。总结手术改进前后患者控尿率和并发症发生率等。
This article mainly illustrates the construction of CAI in the environment of campus network After discussing the principle of devising the courseware of CAI, it provides the construction model applied in the campus network and explains part of the process by highlighting the original procedure of devising the CAI 本文主要阐述了基于校园网环境下CAI的构建过程在讨论了CAI课件制作原则的基础上,给出了应用于校园网络下CAI课件的构建模型,并以CAI课件编制原程序对部分过程进行了说明
This paper presents a case of system login original mistakes in the NOVELL network maintenance procedure and a solution. 介绍了NOVELL网维护过程中系统注册正本写错的一种情况及解决方法。
CSCW extensions to the original Java Graphics Develop Toolkit and design of a complete procedure of event processing. 对原有Java图形开发包进行了CSCW扩展,设计了一套完整的动作事件处理流程。
The original intention of conducting the procedure is to exam the application of death cases strictly, avoid making mistakes and at discretion when apply it and provide more protection for convicts. 其设计的初衷在于对死刑案件的适用进行严格的审查,避免死刑适用的错误和随意化,为犯罪人提供多一层的保护。
Fractal image coding is an efficient compression technique, in which an image is encoded by a contractive transformation whose fixed point is close to the original image, and then is decoded by using the iteration procedure stemmed from the well-known Banach fixed-point theorem. 形图像编码是一种有效压缩技术。在分形编码中,一幅图像由一个不动点接近原始图像的压缩变换来编码,然后由源于Banach不动点定理的迭代过程来解码。
The article analyzes the cause of producing defects with original procedures and put forth an improved procedure and new-designed fixtures to eliminate cracks and deformation defects. 分析台车体原工艺方案产生缺陷的原因,对工艺进行了改进,并重新设计了工装,消除了裂纹和变形缺陷,延长了工装使用寿命。
First of all, the processes of "cutting" and "enriching" original judicative paper should be removed from the existing generation procedure of guiding cases. 首先,现行指导性案例的产生程序应当去除裁剪和充实原始裁判文书的环节。
It was assumed there was a virtual velocity of grid node on blade surface. Then, the blade geometry was modified by the difference between surface pressure and target pressure of the Original balde and temporary blades during iterative procedure. 假设叶表的网格点存在虚拟移动速度,迭代过程中由原叶片、过渡叶片表面的实际静压与目标静压之差来驱动叶型修改。
Running Chart and EWMA Chart are combined to realize the prediction of original procedure quality and virtual procedure quality statistical control. 应用运行图和EWMA图实现了对虚拟工序质量的统计控制及对原型工序的质量预测。
This new management system has brought great improvement to the wage management system. However, it also makes contradictions with the original management procedure as well as management software. 新制度的引入使工资管理水平有了很大的提高,但同时也与原有的工资管理流程和工资管理软件产生了矛盾。
Instead, we argue the basic problems of summary procedure& the basic value orientation of it, litigation structure mode, the introduction of mediation system from the original intention of setting up summary procedure and its inherent characteristics. 而是从行政诉讼简易程序的设立初衷与固有特性出发先对我国设立行政诉讼简易程序的基本问题&行政诉讼简易程序的基本价值取向、诉讼构造模式、调解制度的引进展开论证。
The original of the establishment of civil quick judging procedure is to improve the effectiveness of the proceedings. 民事速裁程序设立的初衷是提高诉讼效率。
It seems that two procedures are implicitly contained in the implementation of KPCA. The first procedure maps the original samples into the feature space and the second procedure carries out principal component analysis ( PCA) in the feature space. KPCA的执行等效于:首先使用非线性映射将样本变换到一个新的特征空间,然后在此特征空间中实施主成分分析(PCA)的方案。